Advertising specifications

Advertising specifications

Advertising specification types

Our advertising specifications are split into types, based on the delivery medium. Select the relevant medium below to see the options for that group.


Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: 970 x 250

Asset file size: 300KB

HTML5 polite load: 1MB

Static file size: 60KB

File type: GIF, JPG, HTML5

Max animation loop: 3

Initial load: 200KB

Polite load: 1MB


Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: 728 x 90

Asset file size: 200KB

HTML5 polite load: 300KB

Static file size: 40KB

File type: GIF, JPG, HTML5

Max animation loop: 3

Initial load: 200KB

Polite load: 300KB

Desktop MPU

Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: 300 x 250

Asset file size: 200KB

HTML5 polite load: 300KB

Static file size: 40KB

File type: GIF, JPG, HTML5

Max animation loop: 3

Initial load: 200KB

Polite load: 300KB


Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: 300 x 600

Asset file size: 300KB

HTML5 polite load: 200KB

Static file size: 50KB

File type: GIF, JPG, HTML5

Max animation loop: 3

Initial load: 200KB

Polite load: 300KB


Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: Sidebars only - Left:130 x 900, Right:131 x 900

Asset file size: N/A

HTML5 polite load: N/A

Static file size: 100KB

File type: GIF, JPG, third-party tags

Max animation loop: N/A

Initial load:N/A

Polite load: N/A

Insurance Age only***
Fireplace background image advert
Background Skin (Fireplace)

Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: Background Skin (Fireplace) - image: 1920px X 1080px

Static file size: 600KB

File type: JPG or PNG only

Animation: Not supported

Page layout: 250px space above the header. Side area visible outside a 950px width centre site section. Billboard size "window" mid page, recommend content is included in the middle of image for view whilst scrolling.

Insurance Post and Insurance Age only***

Mobile MPU

Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: 300 x 250

Asset file size: 50KB

HTML5 polite load: N/A

Static file size: 35KB

File type: GIF, JPG, HTML5

Max animation loop: 3

Initial load: 50KB

Polite load: N/A

Mobile banner

Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: 300 x 50

Asset file size: 50KB

HTML5 polite load: N/A

Static file size: 35KB

File type: GIF, JPG, HTML5

Max animation loop: 3

Initial load: 50KB

Polite load: N/A

  • We do not accept pop-ups or pop-unders.

  • A call-to-action must be visible on the ad.

  • A ‘close’ button must be visible on every expanded panel.

  • Ads with white backgrounds must include a visible 1-pixel border.

  • The maximum animation length for all formats is 30 seconds.

  • We strongly discourage the use of Flash ads, but tools such as Swiffy can be used to convert them into HTML5.

  • All creatives should be SSL-compliant.

  • All ad units must open a new browser window on clicking.

  • Creatives can only be swapped out a maximum of three times per flight, unless they are swapped on the back end of a tag.

Video banners
  • Video players must contain ‘volume’, ‘pause’ and ‘play’ buttons.

  • Video volume must not exceed 12dB.

  • Video length must not exceed 30 seconds.

  • The maximum video and animation frame rate is 24fps.

  • The maximum file size is 2mb.

  • VAST tags must be supplied for video assets (MP4).

  • In-banner video is accepted. Videos will auto-play but will be muted by default.

  • When supplying DoubleClick for Advertisers tags, internal redirect tags must also be supplied.

  • Ad verification must be set to monitor. Ad blocking is not permitted unless an agreement has been made for unique circumstances between advertiser and publisher


HTML5 advertisements must:.

  • Be compatible with all browsers.

  • Be unicode.

  • Be responsive to all screen sizes and orientations (landscape and portrait).

  • Use media selectors to decide on an orientation.

  • Have an offline fallback.

  • For video and audio, any HTML5 tags can be used as long as they are compatible with all browsers.

  • Videos should be streamed. Infopro Digital is unable to host videos.

  • User initial load, where applicable, is 2.2MB.

  • Content should be optimised where possible to minimise file sizes – particularly when images and video content are included

  • Rich media ads should be third-party served.

  • HTML5 ads for websites should preferably be third-party served, but can be provided as one Zip file, no larger than 300KB.

  • Creatives must be sent five business working days before launch for testing and implementation.

  • A 24- to 48-hour turnaround should be allowed for all trafficking requests.

In-app MPU

Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: 300 x 250

Asset file size: 200KB

HTML5 polite load: 300KB

Static file size: 40KB

File type: GIF, JPG, HTML5

Max animation loop: 3

Initial load: 200KB

Polite load: 300KB

In-app banner

Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: 300 x 250

Asset file size: 200KB

HTML5 polite load: 300KB

Static file size: 40KB

File type: GIF, JPG, HTML5

Max animation loop: 3

Initial load: 200KB

Polite load: 300KB

Native text advert

Show details

Specification details

Headline: 10 words maximum

Blurb: 40 words maximum

Clickthrough link: URL

Newsletter MPU

Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: 300 x 250

Asset file size: N/A

HTML5 polite load: N/A

Static file size: 30KB

File type: JPG

Max animation loop: 0/Static

Initial load: N/A

Polite load: N/A

Newsletter Logo

Show details

Specification details

Initial dimensions: 150 x 42

Asset file size: N/A

HTML5 polite load: N/A

Static file size: 30KB

File type: JPG

Max animation loop: 0/Static

Initial load:

Polite load: N/A

Click through URL N/A

Print adverts

Print specification details are available per brand. Please choose from the list below:


Central Banking print specs

FX Markets print specs

Insurance print specs

Risk print specs

Waterstechnology Print specs

What is best practice when making a web banner ad?

Keep content and visuals simple and concise.

Ensure call-to-actions are extremely clear and encourage the user to engage with your banner at that moment.

Can I swap creative mid-campaign?

Yes. If you are changing the creative on your server side then you may change the creative messaging an unlimited number of times.

If we are hosting the file, you may change these banners a total of three times, unless stated otherwise.

What happens if I send my creative later than the agreed deadline?

There is no penalty for sending creative later than the deadline or the campaign launch date. However, please check with your account manager as deliverability may be affected.

Can I provide local language banners?

Yes. If you are running a campaign in a specific geolocation, you can provide banners in the local language of that region.

Can I embed video in ad banners?

Yes. While the video can auto-play, the sound must be user-initiated only.

Do you accept blocking tags?

Yes. Let us know what you will be blocking beforehand so we can deliver the campaign as efficiently as possible to avoid any loss of blocked impressions.

Ad blocking is not permitted unless an agreement has been made for unique circumstances between advertiser and publisher.

Can I link ad banners to downloadable content?

No, unless you have asked for the user’s permission first.

Adverts that automatically download files on to a device will not be accepted.